JoomLMS ELearning Blog

Knowledge Base
author Aksana
date 17 Jun 2024
hits Hits: 6022

We are thrilled to announce that with our new release, version 3.0.2, JoomLMS has become open-source under the GPL license. This change means customers no longer need to install the Ioncube loader, simplifying the installation process. Additionally, the new licensing model ensures transparency and promotes collaborative improvements.

In line with this update, we've streamlined the license activation and renewal processes. Activating your JoomLMS license is now easier than ever!

author Aksana
date 17 Jun 2024
hits Hits: 6185

We are beyond excited to unveil a new version 3.0.2 of JoomLMS, and it’s finally open-source!

This is the version our customers have been waiting for a long time! This significant transition opens up a world of possibilities for customization, flexibility, and community collaboration. Moreover, our customers no longer need to install the Ioncube loader — installing and using JoomLMS is now simpler than ever!

JoomLMS 3.0.2 is available for upgrade in the administration area of your website and for purchase in our store.

author Darya Tarliuk
date 11 Aug 2023
hits Hits: 15632

Dear clients, we are glad to announce JoomLMS 3.0 release.

The new version is Joomla! 4.x compatible.

JoomLMS 3.0 is available for upgrade in the administration area of your website and for purchase in our store.

author Darya Tarliuk
date 29 Dec 2021
hits Hits: 30230

Dear clients, we are glad to announce JoomLMS 2.3.0 release.

The new version is PHP 7.4.x compatible.

JoomLMS 2.3.0 is available for upgrade in the administration area of your website and for purchase in our store.

author Darya Tarliuk
date 22 Oct 2019
hits Hits: 54076

Have you ever faced the situation when a program that you are using or have to use is in another language (most often English) and you are having some difficulties understanding its functionality so it takes you too much time to start working or learning?