author Ilona Hetsevich
author 19 Jan 2015
author Hits: 8785
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Primary Learning Management System (LMS) implementation goal is business benefits achievement(increased productivity, higher profitability or reduced turnover). The biggest challenge is to get your employees to get to know LMS easily and efficiently. How to conduct training right, quickly and with the best possible outcome for the company? Let’s figure it out.

learning management system training

Primary Learning Management System (LMS) implementation goal is business benefits achievement. (increased productivity, higher profitability or reduced turnover). The biggest challenge is to get your employees to get to know LMS easily and efficiently. How to conduct training right, quickly and with the best possible outcome for the company? Let’s figure it out.

First of all there are two rules we advise you to follow:

1. Leave Lots of Documentation Behind

According to the studies the amount of information that is produced every month exceeds the amount people in the XVII century imbibed in a life time. The fact that we live at the age of information overload leads to selective information absorption and makes lots of documentation compilation a time-waste. That is why we recommend you to abandon providing documentation in favor of engaging training techniques.

2. Don’t Let Chips Fall Where They May

There is no sense of giving users software without proper explanation and await the desired results. Self-training isn’t a productive approach and can be even irresponsible. Without proper motivation and a whole Learning Management System potential discovery LMS implementation goals achievement becomes a time and money consuming process. Describe the LMS adoption benefits both for the business and each employee so that the training will not look like a compliant one.

So, how to make your employees know LMS from A to Z?

Assess the Employees

The first step is the future users’ assessment. By the assessment we mean checking users’ knowledge about future eLearning solution and how comfortable they are with the future technology usage.

For example, before the JoomLMS training compilation, the essential question to ask is Joomla! knowledge availability. JoomLMS is a Joomla! eLearning extension and if employees have prior experience with Joomla! or any other related extensions, training becomes considerably simpler and more short-cut.

Create a “How to use LMS” Course

The easiest way to get your employees to get acquainted with Learning Management System is to create an interactive and engaging course explaining main LMS tools and usage practices.

lms training 

Creating the course you should remember the following:

  • Start from the basics;
  • Make it logical;
  • Make it short (Read about Content Chunking Technique);
  • Make it diverse (include different content types);
  • Add discussions (No matter how extensive and detailed your course is there is always something you can miss that is why discussions boards will give users an opportunity to clarify their questions.)

learning management system training

Apply Blended Learning Approach

Compiling LMS Training it is wise to take into consideration different learning styles and ways people prefer to learn. Instead of adherence to one teaching delivery method use the Blended Learning approach when online training is complemented with face-to-face activities, live webinars or class/office discussions.

For example you can include in your JoomLMS “blended” training the following:

  • JoomLMS introductory team meeting;
  • Self-paced “How to Use JoomLMS” Course;
  • JoomLMS website tutorials and YouTube videos;
  • Live Conference;
  • JoomLMS Demo to test and play with the eLearning software;
  • Collaborative Discussion Boards and Forums;
  • Social Community launch (Studies show that people are more likely to learn from each other);
  • Reading and lectures;
  • Testing and certification;


Measure Effectiveness and Get Feedback

Once the training is finished and the employees are about to bring received knowledge into practice training effectiveness needs to be measured. By means of surveys and questioners you can evaluate employees’ learning, reaction, behavior and results – so called Four-Level training Evaluation Model.

Measurement will help to determine gaps and make future training more effective on achieving the established business goals.

JoomLMS Training

Interested in learning more about JoomLMS? Contact us for an Individual 3 hours training (1 hour – Front-end LMS interface, 1 hour- Administration Area, 1 hour – individual consultation).

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