author Ilona Hetsevich
author 29 Dec 2016
author Hits: 11178
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the most read elearning blogs

With 2017 around the corner we wanted to recall in your memory the most viewed eLearning articles of the outgoing year published in the JoomLMS blog. In case you were busy and didn’t have time for reading, here is the Top Five eLearning articles of the year. Please enjoy!

With 2017 around the corner we wanted to recall in your memory the most viewed eLearning articles of the outgoing year published in the JoomLMS blog. In case you were busy and didn’t have time for reading, here is the Top Five eLearning articles of the year. Please enjoy!

Top Experts Predict What Will Transform ELearning in 2017

ELearning is a rapidly evolving and constantly changing field that is never at a stop. A few years ago eLearning was perceived as an innovative way of studying. This very day eLearning is taken for granted, whereas the changes happening inside the eLearning field itself are accepted as innovations.

Haven’t you been curious of the changes that will transform the eLearning field next year or next decade?

We have!

That is why we asked eLearning experts, teachers, educators, analysts, professors and founders of learning societies and blogs to express their opinions on the innovations that will transform the way we teach and learn in 2017.

And we got pretty interesting answers, by the way! We encourage you to flip the pages to get prepared for the coming changes!

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The Secret of an Effective ELearning Course [Infographic]

Self-paced eLearning is in high demand on the worldwide market. According to studies, the market reached $46.9 billion in 2015 [Resource]. Millions of people around the world choose distant courses over traditional ones, but the problem is that not all the courses existing on the market are qualitative, well-designed and structured.

Frequently students waste money on the information they can easily find on the Internet. The design and development of a qualitative and not least an effective eLearning course is a complex process that requires careful data gathering, audience analysis, planning and constant corrections of mistakes.

How to create such courses? An infographic here below highlights the main principles of effective course creation. The secret is unveiled!

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How to Overcome Information Overload – Interview with Steven W. Anderson

Information overload, also known as "information glut" and "data smog", is a widely known phenomenon caused by an abundance of information that our brain cannot cope with. The term is a buzzword, however, few people know the nature of the problem and how to avoid it when designing eLearning courses and teaching students. To get to the bottom of information overload problem, we interviewed an educator, speaker, director of Instructional Technology, #edchat contributor and author of the “Content curation. How to avoid Information overload” book - Steven W. Anderson.

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How to Start Using Technology in the Classroom - Interview with Kyle Pace

Technology integration has become an integral part of a modern curriculum; however, there any still many teachers who don’t want to use technology tools in everyday practice. The reasons start from the unwillingness to give up time-tested techniques to the belief that technology doesn’t bring any value. To help teachers to overcome their concerns and give insights into integrating technology in the classroom we talked to an instructional technology specialist – Kyle Pace.

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Glossary of the Must-Know ELearning Terms

ELearning is the wave of the future! – blog headlines say. “Hmm, I should keep up with the trends and build my own eLearning school/sell courses online/train my employees” - you decide one morning. Excited about the idea you start searching for the right solution and find yourself completely lost among hundreds of unknown terms – LMS, Authoring tools, SCORM, AICC, flipped classroom, rapid learning, instructional design, LTI, Tin Can API etc. It’s not all that simple as it happens!

Do you recognize yourself?

I am sure you do, because I was in your shoes when I first started working for JoomLMS.

Not to let you get lost we collected the “must know” terms in one blog post.

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Do you have the expertise to share? We are looking for talented bloggers with unique insights and experiences in the sphere of online education, training and business to write for the JoomLMS blog. If you are interested in contributing, have a look at our guest post requirements here.