author Ilona Hetsevich
author 08 Apr 2015
author Hits: 12789
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After a long process of redesign and redevelopment we couldn’t be more excited to introduce JoomLMS 2.0! Mobile adaptiveness, modern layout, course builder, GoToMeeting integration, Joomla! 3.4 compliance and much more!

After a long process of redesign and redevelopment we couldn’t be more excited to introduce JoomLMS 2.0! Mobile adaptiveness, modern layout, course builder, GoToMeeting integration, Joomla! 3.4 compliance and much more! A new version is available for upgrade in Member’s Area and purchase in our web shop! Please notice, that due to Joomla! 2.5 support ending JoomLMS 2.0 is only Joomla! 3.x compatible. Feel free to contact us if you need help with the website upgrade.

Mobile Adaptiveness

JoomLMS 2.0 is fully responsive! It means that LMS layout will automatically adjust to the screen size of the device used. Frustrating scrolling and resizing are replaced with seamless LMS experience and eLearning content access via multiple devices (mainly tablets).


With JoomLMS 2.0 mLearning becomes a reality! JoomLMS administrators and teachers can manage courses, assign homework and reply to students’ messages on the go while JoomLMS students are not attached to their computers anymore! Studying from anywhere and anytime!

Modern LMS Layout

JoomLMS got redesigned in accordance with latest technology and UI changes. A specially created template is clean, uncluttered and spared any distracting elements. Besides, it can be customized according to personal preferences (color, logo upload, modules display etc.). A new template is to free you from any compatibility issues with the website template and provide a smooth and intuitive learning process without any distractions.

lms front end

LMS Course Builder

We changed the concept of course creation! Within a few mouse clicks you will be able to create an interactive course and adjust its settings without any technical or Joomla! experience. You will be guided through the whole process including general course settings, price and publishing options, course format, layout set up and content creation. Teachers and LMS administrators can preview the created courses as students see them.

Course builder contains a set of predefined patterns you can use for course creation. Depending on the pattern chosen a combination of default modules for the course is brought out. For example, if the course is planned to be in the format of a webinar, a conference will be its main instrument. Documents, quizzes and announcements will play accessory modules roles. If the course is planned to include a series of steps a student needs to perform to complete the course, a Learning Path will be the main instrument etc. When necessary, additional elements can be added. Thus, by one simple click on the pattern’s title you get an extended LMS functionality tailored to suit your particular needs.

lms patterns

GoToMeeting Integration

In JoomLMS 2.0 we decided to replace an outdated web-conference tool with advanced GoToMeeting platform. The platform allows up to 100 attenders with screen sharing, video and audio conferencing.

JoomLMS and GoToMeeting integration allows webinars scheduling within LMS and user access directly from the course page. Scheduling date, time and attendance emails are sent to GoToMeeting to create a class session. Then, the session data is forwarded back and is depicted in your course catalog so students can see it and register for it. GoToMeeting platform is mobile competitible what means more students can attend your conference while they are on the go.


A new release, besides the above mentioned innovations, includes full compatibility with Joomla! 3.4, microdata support and SEO and SEF improvements for better course visibility.

!!! On the occasion of a new release launch we offer a 10% discount for JoomLMS license renewal. No matter for how long the license has been used you get 12 month extended license usage at a discounted price. Contact Support team for the details.

We invite you to visit our Demo website to test renewed JoomLMS!

Visit Demo

Or download our free 1 month trial to fully experience all the introduced changes!

Download Trial

We hope that JoomLMS 2.0 will live up to your expectations!

Kind regards,
JoomLMS Team