author Ilona Hetsevich
author 11 Jun 2015
author Hits: 8951
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The most recent JoomLMS 2.0 release has proven to be successful and has been receiving a lot of positive feedback from our clients. We highly appreciate it and want to assure you that the development process doesn’t come to a halt here and our plans for making JoomLMS Learning Management System even more functional, flexible and convenient to study and work with are quite persistent. To prove that it is not an idle promise we are glad to announce JoomLMS 2.0.1 release.

Let’s us show you what is new!

The most recent JoomLMS 2.0 release has proven to be successful and has been receiving a lot of positive feedback from our clients. We highly appreciate it and want to assure you that the development process doesn’t come to a halt here and our plans for making JoomLMS Learning Management System even more functional, flexible and convenient to study and work with are quite persistent. To prove that it is not an idle promise we are glad to announce JoomLMS 2.0.1 release.

Let’s us show you what is new!

JoomLMS Automatic Update by Means of Joomla! Updater

The latest JoomLMS updates are now carried out through the Joomla! updater component at the Administration area of your site. All you need to do is to click the “Install the Update” button. If the JoomLMS license is active, the update will run.

Assignments Integration into Learning Paths

Starting from JoomLMS version 2.0.1 Assignments (“homework” in previous versions) can be added as full-fledged steps into learning paths.

joomlalms learning path steps

A learning path is a sequence of steps a learner should go through in order to complete the course. In the same way as with other course elements you can configure the prerequisites and passing to the next stage of learning path will be conditioned by completing the assignment and its approval by the teacher.

joomlalms assignments

Course Modules

Those who have already tested the Demo noticed that course creation is based on the system of modules. A predefined set of modules is now enlarged and in addition to the already existing ones such modules as “Buy This Course”, “Recent documents”, “Recent messages” are added.

joomlalms modules

Plus, the modules display is manageable. For example, the “Buy this course” module is visible only for unregistered users. The users, who have already bought the course, will not see it.

buy course module

The modules are available for export/import along with the course content which allows to speed up the course creation process and free LMS administrators from additional actions.

Russian, German and Spanish Language Interface

JoomLMS 2.0.1 is now available in Russian, German and Spanish.

translate lms

Additionally, the release includes a bunch of fixes and improvements directed at delivering remarkable user experience.

JoomLMS 2.0.1 is available for upgrade in your Member’s Area and for purchase in our store.

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We hope that JoomLMS 2.0 will live up to your expectations!

Kind regards,
JoomLMS Team