Expert Interview
author Ilona Hetsevich
author 24 Mar 2016
author Hits: 15430
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You’ve bought a Learning Management System, invested a lot of money into marketing and promotion but didn’t receive the return on investments. Students drop your classes and don’t recommend your online courses to the peers as they think the class wasn’t worth their money and time.

Sounds familiar?

You’ve bought a Learning Management System, invested a lot of money into marketing and promotion but didn’t receive the return on investments. Students drop your classes and don’t recommend your online courses to the peers as they think the class wasn’t worth their money and time.

Sounds familiar?

The challenge of keeping students motivated is common among distance learning providers. The majority of online courses available online are very generic, created for everybody without personalizing and thinking about the choices. As a result, students are struggling to complete their studies and succeed in their degree programs.

You know that you can do better; you just need some advice from an expert!

How to motivate students online? Is motivating online students different from doing so in a regular class? Which techniques to follow?

These are the questions we addressed to professor of Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University, the author of the book about motivation and retention with online technologies - Dr. Curtis J. Bonk.

In this interview he shares very useful techniques of motivating online students and taking advantage of online learning environment.

Don’t miss the chance of listening to the most optimistic, enthusiastic and encouraging professor I’ve got a chance to talk to.


Download a free book about motivation online Adding Some TEC-VARIETY by Curtis J. Bonk and Elaine Khoo

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The Insider’s Guide to Student-Centered Approach
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LMS Learning